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5 Signs It’s Time To Consider A Wall Décor Refresh

Are you tired of staring at the same old boring walls in your living space? You're not alone because most homeowners feel the same at some point. And almost everyone is willing to upgrade their walls after a few years, right?

So how do you know it's time to refresh? Surely, you expect to pick the project when you've had the same decor for years. But you may do it sooner if you have valid reasons. You can check these signs that indicate it might be time to consider a wall decor refresh.

So sit back and let's inspire you to invest in a serious upgrade project.

Sign #1- You're over it

Well, this one is a no-brainer, homeowners! If you find yourself rolling your eyes every time you see that painting you bought in college, it's time to let it go. Your living space should be a replica of your taste and personality and both change over the years.

You should definitely consider a fresh look and feel if you're over it. You deserve better, so go for it.

Sign #2- Your living space looks outdated

Home decor trends come and go, but you cannot change things up every year. However, it's time to take action if your living space looks outdated. Remember when everyone was into hanging inspirational quotes printed on canvas? Or bright hues and gallery walls were trending?

Well, these trends are passé now, so you must give up on them sooner than later. If the decor feels it's stuck in a particular era, a fresh start makes sense.

Sign #3- Your decor is not the same

A change in your home's decor is another surefire sign to reconsider your wall art. Experts at Inomaly Art recommend matching the walls with the overall style to create a harmonious look. For example, abstract prints blend seamlessly with contemporary decor.

Consider an upgrade if you want to move from a rustic feel to a modern one. You'll have a place worth flaunting without spending a fortune!

Sign #4- It's not functional

Wall decor goes beyond aesthetics. It can also serve a purpose such as creating a more inviting space. If the current one isn't functional, it's time to reconsider it. Think about how you can make it work harder.

You may add a shelf to display your favorite books and plants. Hanging a mirror can make a small room appear more spacious. Just see what you can add or remove to make the most of the wall.

Sign #5- You're financially ready

Wall decor refresh can be an expensive project, and it may cost a bit depending on your expectations. For example, you may want to paint it from scratch, enhance it with textures, add an art piece, and set a shelf to complete the look.

Consider the budget and move ahead sooner than later if you feel financially ready for the project.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules for wall decor refresh. The most important thing is that it should make you happy and reflects your style without pinching your wallet. So, go forth and decorate!


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